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Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL

Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL
Arm and shoulder CPM - Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL

Motus-Vitae Mo-Vit SL - arm and shoulder CPM


An unprecedented new concept where functional movement therapy is combined with motor therapy for functional rehabilitation.
Motus Vitae, from the Latin "life = movement", is a real turning point in functional rehabilitation.


A system that uses 6 types of movement to improve function 360 degrees.

A circuit of devices controlled by the latest generation of software and hardware that allows people with low motor skills to restore their initial condition - in the case of motor deficits caused by trauma or disease - or, in the case of elderly people, to counteract natural physiological decay and reap the benefits of movement for a better quality of life.



6 movement patterns:
- C.P.M. Continuous passive movement
- C.A.M. Continuous active movement
- Isometric
- Isotonic
- Auxotonic
- Isokinetic


7 960 000 Ft

The machine generates movement at a constant speed, without the patient having to exert any force.

It is used to preserve joint mobility in the initial stages of rehabilitation, for example after surgery or in patients who are unable to contract muscles, such as in cases of paralysis, in order to exercise joint movement.


Mo-Vit SL (Shoulder and Latissimus dorsi or broad back muscles) can be used to treat anthropometric sizes from 145 cm to 210 cm.


It is possible to work in "push & pull" mode.

The system can work as a weight lifting device upwards (like a 'shoulder machine') or as a pulling device from the top down (like a 'back machine').

Pushing involves the muscles of the shoulders and pulling involves the muscles of the lats (broad back muscles).




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