2 channel mid-frequency EMS - EME Therapic 9200
2-channel physiotherapy device for combined therapy, which can be connected in a modular system (ultrasound + vacuum).
2 output channels
100 pre-programmed protocols
200 protocols stored in internal memory
And an additional 80 on the smart card
EME Therapic 9200/9400
The EME Prestige Line 3 electrostimulation device differs mainly in the built-in waveforms. There are also minor differences in the number of built-in programs. Unlike the Therapic 9200, the Therapic 9400 has four independent channels.
High performance electrotherapy
Electrotherapy uses biological effects generated by electrical energy for therapeutic purposes. During application, selected parts of the body are treated with currents that can be specifically selected for the particular treatment purpose.
In the field of physiotherapy, for example, electrotherapy applications are used to stimulate denervated muscles. Electrotherapy can reduce hypotrophy caused by the lack of muscle use, maintain muscle tone in denervated or only partially innervated muscles, but can also strengthen normally innervated muscles.
The main effects are achieved through motor, thermal, analgesic and chemical stimulation of body tissues by the current generated by Therapic devices.
The individual stimulation pulses are characterised by wave frequency (measured in Hz (Hertz)), wave width (measured in msec (milliseconds)) and intensity (measured in mA (milliamperes)).