Vacuum therapy 2 channel physiotherapy device - EME Vacuumed
With the Vaccumed vacuum therapy device, EME Physio is the perfect complement to the Therapic 7200/9200/9400 electrotherapy and combined therapy devices from the Combimed series.
Vacuum therapy is a therapeutic method in which a suction cup effect is achieved using special vacuum electrodes. The resulting vacuum is intended, among other things, to improve microcirculation in the affected tissues, which has a positive effect on the body.
More specifically, the vacuum creates a depression and then compression to stimulate venous and lymphatic circulation. The vacuum created under special shells can result in increased blood flow to the area to be treated.
The aim is to stimulate circulation, improve tissue oxygenation and remove toxins. Another aim is to counteract venous congestion, which can be the cause of varicose veins and the resulting venous insufficiency, by speeding up blood flow.
Vacuum applications are performed in conjunction with the stimulation current types using special vacuum electrodes. The electrodes are connected to the device by means of tubes which can create negative pressure in the electrode cups.
The high pressure during this phase of the vacuum treatment allows a lot of blood to be drawn (hyperaemia), which, together with the different types of stimulation currents, can ensure the success of the therapy.
Vacuum therapy can be used for the following indications:
All vascular diseases affecting the legs, such as Winiwarter-Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon. In addition, all forms of venous insufficiency and/or lymphatic insufficiency: lymphoedema, swollen feet, phlebolymphoedema and cellulitis.