

A clear head and wellbeing

Frequent headaches, anxiety and stress.

CEFALY can change your life. With its pleasant

stimulative effect, it inhibits pain, arrests

headaches, calms anxiety and soothes stress.

A few sessions a week are all that’s needed

to restore your wellbeing, clear your head and

alleviate stress.



• Anterior tension headaches

• Migraines with or without aura

• Treatment of stress and anxiety

• Cluster headache

• Ophthalmic shingles

• Frontal sinusitis (symptomatic treatment)

• Trigeminal neuralgia affecting the first branch of the trigeminal nerve (Willis ophthalmic nerve).


Very recently external cranial neurostimulation has been developed. The technical progresses consist in having a practical and comfortable device. Before the technique wasn’t used because it was painful and complicate. STX-Med has made significant progresses in electronic and devices simple to use. The first device available is intended for supra orbital neurostimulation and so-called CEFALY® The company is currently doing researches about devices for other location of neurostimulation as occipital and neck. Therefore Cefaly technique is external neurostimulation but very similar to implanted neurostimulators: similar electrical parameters leading to same basic action of triggering action potentials on nerves at same frequency.


Ultragel 2000 Ltd, is kindly informing  its partners that also in year 2010, we are participating in MEDICA Exhibition, Düsseldorf, 17-20 November, on  the world’s largest medical trade fair.

We are welcoming all our current or future hungarian and foreign partners on our stand E45, in hall 9.

Looking forward to meeting You!

(During the exhibition period there won’t be any intermission in online ordering and purchasing)

Medica 2010

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"Hot & Cold" - sports gels / freezing sprays / cooling bandages / gel pads

Hot situation? Cold relief!

If you made the wrong move....

Sports injuries are at the top of the list of musculoskeletal injuries, and inexperienced, novice athletes and newcomers to the sport who think they are back to form are particularly at risk.

However, injuries are not just caused by playing sport! It can happen anywhere and to anyone. Injuries can happen at home, at work, while hiking or on a trip. You can strain, bruise or dislocate your ankle, knee, wrist or other joint.

A little theory: the strain, the bruise and the sprain

In a strain, the muscles permanently contract and spasm as a result of excessive strain. All it takes is one wrong movement, which is followed by a sudden onset of pain that is more severe than muscle fever; muscle stiffness and inflammation are also experienced.



Bruising is usually caused by some external force (e.g. punching, kicking) and involves some degree of damage to the structure of the muscle fibre bundles. Visible reddening and purple patches develop and the injured person experiences considerable pain and limited mobility.


In the case of dislocation, excessive force causes the joint head to leave the joint groove and the ligaments are damaged. Dislocation is associated with joint stiffness and intense pain. The injured area is swollen and bruised, and in many cases the deformity of the affected area is visible to the naked eye. The first thing to do is to put the dislocated joint ends in place and repair the damaged ligaments, surgically if necessary.


Once the damage is done, we must act professionally!

What can be done to minimise future damage? How can we promote healing or simply what can we do to reduce the pain until we get to the doctor?


What to do can be summarised in 4 tips. For ease of reference, acronyms have been created in both English and German. In German, it is known as the PECH rule, in English as the RICE rule, for what to do in the event of a strain, bruise or sprain

1, Take a break

2, Cool down

3, Secure with an elastic bandage

4, If possible, elevate and restrain the injured body part


What is the benefit of cooling the injured body part?

- Cold slows down the pain messages sent to the brain, so it has a pain-relieving effect.

- Cold constricts blood vessels that have become dilated and permeable due to inflammation. After vasoconstriction, fluid leakage from the blood vessels is reduced and the swelling begins to subside.

- The cold effect helps prevent the formation of bruises.

- If you "just" apply cold to the sore part of the body, you do not have to worry about the side effects of synthetic drugs.

What is the most effective method of cooling?

'Cold therapy' is effective if it quickly and significantly reduces the temperature of the skin. For this purpose, a wet handkerchief or a damp tea towel will not be enough.


It is advisable to use a special gel pad of optimal size that fits easily to the part of the body to be cooled.


ULTRAGEL's own HOT&COLD Cold/Warm gel pads can be cooled in the fridge or freezer and kept "ready to use".


During cold therapy, the skin temperature should drop from an average of 34°C to about 15°C in about 15 minutes, after which the gel pad can be removed. Ideally, the analgesic effect produced can be maintained for up to 2-3 hours.