Defi® Xpress automatic and manual clinical AED defibrillator and multiparameter monitor Manual defibrillator: 2J-360J AED 50-200J Multiparameter: ECG; SpO2; NIBP; EtCO2; Pacer Display: high resolution, colour 8" TFT mini SD card for memory expansion Defibrillator waveform: biphasic (BTE) Charging time: less than 7 seconds with new, fully charged battery. Charging prompt: sound and visual effects Electrode impedance measurement range: 0-250 ohms. ECG monitoring: 3 or 5 lead ECG cable Leads: I II III AVR AVL AVF V. ECG signal: 0,25 0,5 1 1,5 2 4 cm/mV Pulse: 20-300 BPM. Battery: rechargeable Ni-MH battery 12V. Operating time: 60 defibrillations with a new, fully charged battery or at least 3 hours of continuous ECG monitoring. SpO2 module (option) measuring range: 30-100% ±2% 80%~90% Alarm range: user-set upper and lower limit. SpO2 (option) NIBP (option) EtCO2 module (option): Pacemaker (options): Print: 50mm, speed: 12.5 mm/s 25 mm/s 50 mm/s. AED function: automatic analysis and charging Manual mode: energy selection: 2 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300 360 joules Synchronous mode General Weight: 4.95 kg Size: 33 x 31.8 x 13.5 cm IPX4