CHECKME™ ECG monitor with Bluetooth
Allows simultaneous measurement of ECG, QRS duration, SpO2, heart rate and pulse index. With a colour touch screen, well-organised user interface and voice commands, it is very intuitive and easy to use.

Clinically approved accuracy.
- Supports cable and cable-free measurement of ECG and SpO2 (optional cable)
- Checks, records and identifies abnormal ECG within 20 seconds.
- Professional ECG algorithm provides heart rate, QRS duration, ST segment and rhythm analysis
- check blood oxygenation with the built-in SpO2 sensor within 20 seconds
- high quality ECG signals, saveable and playback data
- professional computer data management software for review and diagnosis (compatible with Windows operating system)

Daily measurement takes only 20 seconds
ECG + Spo2 + QRS + Heart rate + PI