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SPIRODOC professional spirometer

SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer
SPIRODOC professional spirometer

MIR SPIROdOC: Design winning professional spirometer

A portable spirometer for professional and even home use.
Measures normal respiratory values, also suitable for monitoring.
Speclalist-Ievel: analysis, screening and home care monitoring. Modes of operation: for professional use, or in a simpler mode, e.g. for screening, or in a 'basic' version for home care. FVC, VC, IVC, MVV, PRE-POST.

All measurements are automatically stored. Automatic BTPS conversion. Memory capacity: 10.000 measurements. Wide range of pre-saved values.

Winspiro Pro software included in the package provides evaluation. You can store and print the saved data, and then compare the new data with the old ones very easily during a new test, thus keeping track of changes.
It has a 128x64 pixel touch-screen display.
Supplied with a reusable turbine.


The software:

MIR Spiro
Updated software for spirometry and oximetry, compatible with macOS and Windows.
Designed for professionals, MIR Spiro provides users with an immersive, more efficient, responsive and user-friendly interface. It is compliant with the most advanced standards (ATS/ERS 2019, HIPAA and GDPR) and offers new and enhanced features. Available for desktop and laptop, also in tablet mode.

490 000 Ft

Measurable values. Vol., FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC%, PIF, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, FEV1/ VC%, VT, VE, Rf, ti, te, ti/t-tot, VT/ti, MVV measured, MVV calculated
Measurable oximetric data: SPO2 baseline, minimum, maximum, mean, T90% [SpO2<90%], T89% [SpO2<89%], T88% [SpO2<88%], T5% [?SpO2>5%], ?Index [12s], SpO2, events, pulse events (Bradycardia, Tachycardia), motion, acquisition time, analysis time
Flow sensor: bidirectional digital turbine
Flow range ± 16L/s


Volume accuracy: ± 3% or 50 mL, whichever is greater
Flow accuracy: ± 5% or 200 ml/s, whichever is greater
Dynamic resistance 12L/s: <0.5cm H2O/L/s




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