1)12-lead recording system that continuously records ECG signals for 48 hours
2) Synchronous analysis for 12 leads. Any channel can be selected as main analysis channel for QRS analysis
3) With more than 10 templates (e.g. atrial premature beat, ventricular premature beat, long interval, atrial fibrillation, etc.) and a wide range of user-defined modules to distinguish almost any abnormal waveform.
4) Flexible atrial fibrillation analysis
5) Pacemaker analysis function
6) Single or full lead ECG can be reviewed at any time with the "quick review" analysis function.
7) Analysis functions 5 minute, 1 hour and total heart rate variability
8) One button printing
9) "HRT" analysis function
10) "T-wave alternation" is an important indicator in predicting malignant arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.
11) QTD (QT dispersion), VCG (vector cardiogram), VLP (ventricular late potential) and TVCG (time vector cardiogram) with analysis modules
Lead: standard 12 leads
Power supply: one "AAA" battery
Calibration voltage: 1mV±5%
Noise level: ≤30µV p-p
CMRR: ≥60 dB
Frequency response: 10 Hz as reference, 0.5 Hz ~ 55 Hz: -3 dB
Low frequency characteristics: ≥3.2 s
Scanning speed: 25mm/s±5%
Polarization voltage: ±300mV, sensitivity: ≤±10%Minimum measurement signal: 50 µV p-p
80,5 mm (length) × 59,5 mm (width) × 22 mm (height)
Weight: approx. 61,5 g (without batteries)