

A clear head and wellbeing

Frequent headaches, anxiety and stress.

CEFALY can change your life. With its pleasant

stimulative effect, it inhibits pain, arrests

headaches, calms anxiety and soothes stress.

A few sessions a week are all that’s needed

to restore your wellbeing, clear your head and

alleviate stress.



• Anterior tension headaches

• Migraines with or without aura

• Treatment of stress and anxiety

• Cluster headache

• Ophthalmic shingles

• Frontal sinusitis (symptomatic treatment)

• Trigeminal neuralgia affecting the first branch of the trigeminal nerve (Willis ophthalmic nerve).


Very recently external cranial neurostimulation has been developed. The technical progresses consist in having a practical and comfortable device. Before the technique wasn’t used because it was painful and complicate. STX-Med has made significant progresses in electronic and devices simple to use. The first device available is intended for supra orbital neurostimulation and so-called CEFALY® The company is currently doing researches about devices for other location of neurostimulation as occipital and neck. Therefore Cefaly technique is external neurostimulation but very similar to implanted neurostimulators: similar electrical parameters leading to same basic action of triggering action potentials on nerves at same frequency.


Ultragel 2000 Ltd, is kindly informing  its partners that also in year 2010, we are participating in MEDICA Exhibition, Düsseldorf, 17-20 November, on  the world’s largest medical trade fair.

We are welcoming all our current or future hungarian and foreign partners on our stand E45, in hall 9.

Looking forward to meeting You!

(During the exhibition period there won’t be any intermission in online ordering and purchasing)

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Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW

Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW
Lézer - LLLT lágylézer - Lasermed 2200, 905nm, 25mW

Laser - LLLT soft laser Lasermed 2200, 905nm

In laser therapy, a distinction is made between contact therapy and scanning therapy. Both types of treatment use monodiode and polydiode lasers. In monodiode laser contact therapy, the treatment heads are positioned directly on the skin.

LaserMed 2200 is a contact therapy.


This contact laser treatment is performed by stimulating trigger points or localized painful areas. With this type of therapy, the user must be assisted by an assistant for the entire treatment period.


When using a laser therapy device, the following application parameters are decisive: the power emitted for the irradiated tissue density (the so-called power density, measured in square W/cm).


The power density is determined by dividing the power output of the laser by the size of the spot.


The most important parameter for determining the clinical laser effect is the dose. Dose measures the amount of energy emitted per unit area of irradiated tissue, measured in J/cm squared. The exact calculation is made by multiplying the power density by the exposure time of the laser beam.


For all EME Physio devices, the recommended dose parameter values are described in the protocols supplied. Depending on the area to be treated and the laser power, the user can vary the treatment time or frequency to achieve the desired dose.


Indications for laser use:

- Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedics
- Rheumatology
- Dentistry
- neurology
- Laser needle puncture


1 460 000 Ft

10' colour display
Base accessory: 25mW head
Operating mode: continuous + pulsating
Pulse length: 100ns
Stored individual therapies: 200 +200
85 pre-loaded therapies


LSE Laser Safety Eyes patent:
Laser light emission starts only when the treatment head is very close to the treatment surface, providing greater safety for
between patient and operator.

Automatic calculation as a function of time and treatment area (joule/cm²)
Up to 800 mW power on 2 independent channels with 2 heads of different power and frequency. 800 mW.




Practical laser device with 905 nm wavelength and 2 independent outputs, allowing simultaneous work with 2 different laser heads and 2 different frequencies. The Lasermed 2200 is equipped with a 100 mW monodiode laser head (MLA/100).


Effects of laser applications
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Effects on the peripheral nervous system (antalgic and regenerative effects).
- Tissue regenerating and biostimulating properties.
- Effects on microcirculation and blood vessels: laser application can lead to an improvement in local microcirculation, resulting in the restoration of local spasm of arteriovenous vessels (which can occur after trauma or inflammation, for example) and an increase in blood flow in capillaries.
- Immunomodulating effect.
- Enzymatic photoactivation effect.
- Placebo effect


LASERMED - Properties
The required dose of Lasermed devices is automatically calculated based on the location and duration of treatment. The devices are equipped with multilingual software with more than 80 therapeutic suggestions.

The handpieces have an automatic touch sensor (the laser beam is only triggered when the laser diode is close to the skin).

Different laser handpieces (mono- or polydiodiodic, up to 800 mW) are available as accessories for both Lasermed devices.

Programs and patient data can be stored on the supplied smart card.


Benefits of laser therapy
Laser therapy with devices such as the Lasermed 2200 is based on photobiological and photochemical effects in cells and tissues. The mitochondria in the cells must be stimulated by the laser light, thereby stimulating energy replenishment.

Traumatic or degenerative conditions need to be repaired so that the cells can return to their normal state. Laser therapy with contact lasers is risk-free and painless. It also has a shorter treatment time compared to other types of therapy.


Key features of the EME Lasermed 2200
LSE (Laser Safety Eye Patent): the laser is only triggered when the lens is close to the skin, providing greater safety for the patient and therapist.


Automatic calculation of the recommended dose depending on time and treatment area (joules/cm²). Up to 800 mW power and 2 independent channels: Two independent channels allow laser therapy with two probes of different power and frequency. It is also possible to connect different monodiode and multi-laser diodes up to a maximum power of 800 mW.


Laser therapy - basics and effects
On request, we will be pleased to send you the current EME product catalogue, which lists the optional accessories available for all products.



Article No.
4 kg/pcs

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